Peace Lutheran Church Leadership
All of our other members, as the need arises, step up-to-the-plate to provide leadership and assistance. We are family here at Peace--and all family members play an important part!
Pastor Jason Coley

Church Council 2023
Council Members: Katie Hill, Jeff Hill, Irma Carpenter, Vicki King, Joe Courteau, Kory Castellano

Vicki King
Originally from Iowa, Vicki is a lifelong Lutheran (from a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod background) and has recently retired from a career as a registered nurse, most recently serving as the nurse-educator at the Little Colorado Medical Center in Winslow, where she lives. Hers is the cheerful voice of welcome at the start of each of our worship services! Vicki is one of a handful of members who travel from Winslow (30miles distance) each Sunday for worship and at other times for study, service and fellowship events. We appreciate this extra commitment from our Winslow folks!

Jeff Hill
Newly elected to our Council is Jeff Hill, husband to Katie and, along with Katie, parent to five young adults. A native of Holbrook, Jeff has driven trains for the BNSF railroad for nearly 30 years. He also served as Holbrook's mayor for several years. In his spare time, Jeff enjoys woods work, cutting trees and delivering firewood to those in need.

Katie Hill
Coming from Colorado originally, Katie is  our VERY capable Treasurer, leading an active life as mother, accountant, treasurer for the Bread of Life Mission, editor of Higher Things ( a Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod publication for youth), plus wife to husband Jeff, and a good neighbor and friend to many.

Irma Carpenter
Serving as our Financial Secretary is Germany-born Irma Carpenter. What a great job Irma does receiving, counting and depositing our money, keeping excellent records at every step of the way! Irma retired in early 2016 as the Finance Director of QK Holdings, the largest Denny's franchisee. Irma is an active grandmother and is married to Charlie.

Joseph Courteau
Originally from Pennsylvania, Joe moved to Northern Arizona in 2007. Joe is currently a locomotive mechanic for The Apache Railway. In his spare time he likes to get firewood and work on automobiles. Kind of a jack of all trades he is willing to tackle most any repair project.